First Day Wrapup
Colleen DiazDone
What This Event Is All About
Brandon FreemanDone
Welcome to Day 2
Colleen DiazDone
10 DIY Furniture Ideas For Absolute Beginners
Addison OlsonDone
Log House Building
Nicole FordDone
Live Testimonials
Gordon OwensDone
Live Testimonial
Addison OlsonDone
6 Woodworking tips and tricks for beginners
Toni RhodesDone
Who's OpenWood anyway ?
Gordon OwensDone
Securing your Lumber during transport
Colleen DiazDone
Happy with OpenWood
Round Table
Location: Live with Customers
3/12/25, 2:34 PM
3/12/25, 3:19 PM
(45 minutes)
Douglas Fletcher works in IT sector since 10 years. He is known notably for selling mouse traps. With that trick he cut IT budget by almost half within the last 2 years.